Bits & Bytes

2019_01 24 umbrella

CALMING A NEWBORN: This works for about 3 months, after which the baby is too heavy to do it safely — I wish I’d known about this 38 years ago. Mama Buzz was a really fussy little one.

2019_01 23 scalise shutdown vote tweet

2019_01 23 shut down explained

SOTU: Trump agrees to delay“As the Shutdown was going on, Nancy Pelosi asked me to give the State of the Union Address. I agreed,” Trump said in a Twitter post. “She then changed her mind because of the Shutdown, suggesting a later date. This is her prerogative – I will do the Address when the Shutdown is over.” IOW, Pelosi owns this.

BLACKS/LATINOS CHANTING BUILD THE WALL: Don’t hold your breath waiting to see this on the news. They’re too busy justifying why they crucified a bunch of innocent teens for wearing MAGA hats.

TRUMP AT TWO YEARS: “Relentless promise keeping” — The Trump administration’s often overlooked list of achievements has surpassed those of former President Ronald Reagan at this time and more than doubled since the last tally of accomplishments after his first year in office, giving President Trump a solid platform to run for re-election on. Meanwhile, the Left just canNOT get over the fact that Hillary lost. I wish I had the courage to wear my MAGA hat. But I don’t.

JUDICIAL NOMINEES: President Trump has nominated 51 people to fill some of the 146 current judicial vacancies. They include 37 nominees to district courts, nine to circuit courts, two each to the International Trade and Federal Claims courts, and one to the Military Commission Review.

FAUXCAHONTAS: Heap Big Mistake — I guess we should be glad she’s 2/3rds correct, which is better than 1/1024th correct, right? And, oh golly, wouldn’t Sandy From Westchester Occasional-Cortex make a great Tonto, I mean, Running Mate? She thinks there are “three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House.”

PRO-ABORTS HARASS ELDERLY MAN: Media crickets “Look: We’re not advocating that any kid be dragged through the mud for acting like a kid. But if the media are going to go all Outrage-Mob on the Covington kids after thoroughly misrepresenting their encounter with Nathan Phillips, the least they could do is show a little consistency.”

COVINGTON UPDATES: Rob Sanders, the Kenton County, Kentucky prosecutor told Laura Ingraham that investigations against the terroristic threats against the Covington High School students are underway.

School reopened on Wednesday — Some woman stood across the street and filmed the kids as they were leaving. That’s not at all creepy. /sarc

Robert Barnes, the lawyer representing several of the families from Covington Catholic High School, received a bomb threat on Wednesday afternoon. Barnes told The Gateway Pundit, “If the goal was to deter me in helping these families, it had the opposite effect.”

WILL THIS BE MSM’s WORST YEAR EVER? — We can sincerely hope so!

VENEZUELA: Massive protests against socialist dictatorship — Juan Guaido, leader of the centre-left Popular Will Party, called an end to President Nicolas Maduro’s ‘dictatorship’ and was recognised by Donald Trump and several Latin American nations as the country’s interim leader.

Venezuela’s top military command has so far remained silent but is expected to remain loyal to Maduro, who has vowed to fight on despite protests, inflation and food shortages which have prompted millions to flee the country.

Ms. Alexandria Socialism-is-Awesome, declared it a “virtual coup” for Trump (and a bunch of other free nations) to support Guaido over the dictator who is backed by Russia, China, Turkey, and Iran.

Tweet responses to her nonsense:

“Supporting a dictator to own the cons. We are living the dream everybody.”

“When you take “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” a little too far.”

“Wonder how the Russia collusion hysteria Lefties are gonna circle the square of the fact that Venezuela is a heavily Putin-backed socialist dictatorship.”

“Not everything is about Trump. Or you.”

2012 russia obama

RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!: We’ve heard all too much about Russia’s alleged influence over Donald Trump. This guy says the real problem is the power the Mexican mafia has over American Democrats.

hillary russia uranium

CLINTONISTAS: Dirty tricks — Between July and October 2016, Clinton-connected lawyers, emissaries and apologists made more than a half-dozen overtures to U.S. officials, each tapping a political connection to get uninvited and suspect evidence into FBI counterintelligence agents’ hands. As the election drew closer, the point of contact moved higher up the FBI chain. An FBI source called it, a “classic case of information saturation” designed to inject political opposition research into a counterintelligence machinery. The FBI should have suspected a political dirty trick was underway.

2018_10 17 phillips ypsilanti city council

STOLEN VALOR: Nathan Phillips is such a liar — Newly surfaced video from an old Facebook Live broadcast shows Native American activist Nathan Phillips saying he was a “Vietnam Vet” and that his discharge papers show he served “in theater.” Neither is true.

On October 17, 2018, he told the Ypsilanti City Planning Board that he was a Vietnam Vet. He also made some whacked out statement about Section 8, which is a federal program to assist “very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market.” It has nothing to do with military service or medical marijuana.

2019_01 24 shapiro cuomo tweets

PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Tell us again how much you “care” about women and deserve to keep your bloody hands in the public till — A woman at a Planned Parenthood office suffered a serious anxiety attack and was forced to call 911 on her own for medical assistance because no one at Planned Parenthood would help her. In a faint voice, she told the 911 operator that she had medication for anxiety in her car. “It’s in my car but I can’t get to my car…I can’t drive right now…but nobody helps me.”

2019_01 23 do i still have a choice

IT’S HARD TO TELL IF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN AMERICA IS STILL CATHOLIC: The RCC teaching about abortion is unequivocal — It’s never moral. Ever. While the Catholic leaders of New York state expressed “profound sadness” over the Democrats’ evil new law, I have seen no sign that they have moved to publicly excommunicate Cuomo and every Catholic in the legislature who voted for it. It is NOT a kindness to allow them to continue to condemn themselves by unworthily receiving Jesus in the Holy Eucharist! The Bishops KNOW this.

IS TRUMP THE FIRST TRULY CATHOLIC PRESIDENT? — Watch this to the end. The very last thing made me laugh!


Filed under Loose Pollen