Democrats Alienate Catholics

Can a Catholic Be a Democrat

Book Description: In recent years, the conflict between his faith and the policies of his party has grown so marked that author Carlin, a cradle Catholic, lifetime Democrat, and longtime Democratic legislator, now feels compelled to consider in his new book whether, in good conscience, it’s even possible to be both a faithful Catholic and a Democratic true believer.

Excerpts from an opinion piece by Salena Zito, a columnist for the Washington Examiner:

In states like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and all through the Midwest, the Catholic vote is a very important voting bloc no matter what you are running for. The last thing Democrats should be doing is to purposefully stiff-arm people we are going to need to win.

But that’s what they’re doing.

Last week during a confirmation hearing for Amy Coney Barrett, a nominee for the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic U.S. senator from California, attacked Barrett for her Roman Catholic faith.

The face of the Democratic Party has increasingly become the face of celebrity, scold, and entitlement. The people they used to attract to their “stand for the working class” creed have faded from their reach; they have lost touch with their needs and values and they certainly have lost touch with any type of meaningful message.

They do not celebrate hard work, they demand supporters are pro-abortion, expect them to be agnostic and also expect them to stand for their multitude of identity politics. Instead of bringing people together and being part of a greater political party, division is the only way forward.

A nationwide exit polling data shows Trump won Catholics by 52 percent to 45 percent over Hillary Clinton. A huge swing from the past two elections for Barack Obama when Catholics voted for him by margins of 9 points in 2008 and 2 points in 2012.

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Filed under Books, Catholic Church, Democrats

3 responses to “Democrats Alienate Catholics

  1. chrissythehyphenated

    “Having spent decades on a path that purposefully degrades and shames much of American’s Christian population, some segment of the regressive left has finally begun to understand that their catch-all demonization of evangelical Christians sweeps up a great many black “social justice” churches and parishioners. … How long will it take for the regressive left to figure out that their extra-special Hispanic/Latino demographic is majority Catholic?”

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  2. chrissythehyphenated

    On MSNBC on Monday, former Hillary Clinton adviser Zerlina Maxwell urged Democrats to double down on “identity politics.” Former White House Chief Strategist Bannon is delighted. “The longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.”

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