Bits & Bytes

CRAPULENT [krap-yuh-luh nt] adj. Sick from gross excess in drinking or eating.

MEDIA CRICKETS: As of noon on Wednesday, Fox News was the only television news outlet to have reported on a Detroit judge’s controversial decision to drop charges against two Michigan doctors and six others accused of subjecting at least nine minor girls to Female Genital Mutilation. The judge ruled that the federal law banning the practice was unconstitutional.

2018_11 23 Steve Crowder

FIRST AMENDMENT: Award-winning journalist Carl Bernstein suggested Sunday that White House press briefings and presidential news conferences should no longer be televised live, but should be “edited” by the press to show only what the media constitutes as “news” to keep Trump from spreading “propaganda.” Seriously? Yanking Acosta’s press pass is a violation of the first amendment, but POTUS shouldn’t be allowed to speak directly to the American people? ::smh::

2018_11 23 Proud to be Republican

ABORTION: A new report by the Centers for Disease Control showed good news — i.e., abortions at an all-time low since 1973, the year when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade — and bad news — the highest abortion rate was among black women at 25.1 abortions per 1,000. Because their abortion rate is 5x that of whites, the black population has seen a steady decline since 1990.

MY PILLOW: This makes me want to run out and buy one! Michael Lindell, a former cocaine addict who amassed a $300 million fortune selling a pillow, has dropped $1 million into a new anti-abortion movie “Unplanned”, which will be shot in secret because it gets behind the scenes inside Planned Parenthood. This is Lindell’s second movie, the first being “Church People,” a Christian comedy starring Stephen Baldwin that is in postproduction.

2018_11 20 Clinton

PATHETIC GRIFTERS: Tickets range from $100 to $750 each. It’s gotta be hard making ends meet when your income drops below 7 figures.

SUPER CUTE KID: Forty seconds of wide-eyed amazement over Christmas decorations.

2018_11 23 Rescue leash

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