
Adam Schiff and his cohorts have gone to extraordinary lengths to try to keep secret the identities of the whistleblower and his crony in Adam Schiff’s office. Here’s why.

2020_01 25 Ciaramella

Eric Ciaramella (char-uh-MELL-uh) is widely believed to be the fake whistleblower whose hearsay report about the Ukraine phone call set off the Democrat’s impeachment of Donald Trump.

2020_01 25 Misko

Sean Misko is widely believed to be the Schiff staffer who counseled the whistleblower about how to submit his report and what to say.

Schiff initially lied/denied that he knew anything about the complaint before it was filed, stating on Sep. 17, 2019: “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to.” It later emerged that a member of his staff (Misko) had spoken to the whistleblower (Ciaramella) before his complaint was submitted on Aug. 12, 2019.

When Trump took office, Ciaramella and Misko were held over from the Obama administration to continue working at the White House on foreign policy and national security issues.

A former colleague reports that, within the first two weeks of Trump’s first term, he (the colleague) overheard Ciaramella and Misko talking angrily about Trump’s new “America First” foreign policy, which was a 180° change Obama’s foreign policy. But they went further than just express a preference for Obama’s “Bow and Apologize” approach to international affairs. They also discussed what they could do to get Trump removed from office.

Just days after [Trump] was sworn in, they were already talking about trying to get rid of him,” said the White House colleague who overheard them. “They weren’t just bent on subverting his agenda. They were plotting to actually have him removed from office.”

In 2017, Ciaramella was kicked out of the Trump White House for leaking negative stories about the president to the press. He is now a deputy national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia on the National Intelligence Council, reporting to the director of national intelligence.

When Misko left the White House, he joined Adam Schiff’s staff, where he reportedly helped Ciaramella with the bogus quid pro quo whistleblower report. Misko also helped run the impeachment inquiry, much of which was piloted by Adam Schiff who is now one of the impeachment managers.

2020_01 25 whistleblower

Prior to trying to undermine the Trump administration, Ciaramella was a CIA analyst detailed to the Obama White House as a Ukraine/Russia expert. He worked closely with then-Vice President Biden, who was Obama’s point man on Ukraine. He was one of Biden’s guests at a glitzy luncheon in October 2016 to honor the prime minister of Italy [photo].

2020_01 25 dinner

It seems odd how somebody who was (allegedly) “apolitical, but super duper patriotic” would get his panties in a bunch over Trump’s Ukraine phone call, when he had had no problem with his then-boss, VP Joe Biden, twisting Ukraine’s arm to stop its investigation into his son Biden’s lucrative (i.e., corrupt) “job” with Burisma.


Filed under Loose Pollen

2 responses to “Whistleblower

  1. I knew the name. I didn’t know how it was pronounced. Eric Ciaramella (char-uh-MELL-uh) – thanks.

    I also didn’t know what he looked like. The term “soy boy” comes to mind. The Clark Kent glasses don’t help.

    And that pic of Sean Misko? I know anyone can be photographed in an unflattering moment, but looks t’me like there’s something very odd going on there.

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