Bits & Bytes

2020_03 13 pray

PRAY: This is from a long Facebook post about the good that this family has experienced during their two month long quarantine in Wuhan, ChinaGod is providing so many opportunities for good while we are here, and he is showing us his goodness every single moment. We are at peace in the epicenter of the virus. We are at peace in the epicenter of his will. Fear is a faithless coward and has no place in the lives of believers. Fear and worry have no seat at our table. We’re here because he wants us here, right now, for his purpose. Coronavirus wants you to isolate and stock up and take care of your own first. Instead, look to him first while you take care of others. In community, we can do so much more than we can do on our own. God is caring for us so richly and showering us with SO MUCH GOOD each and every moment.

WUHAN CORONAVIRUS: Facts Over Fear [13:34]Democrats and the Slime Stream Media condemn Trump no matter what he says or does. I pray this latest insult to our nation will wake up more Democrats to the importance of Walking Away.

2020_03 13 coronavirus panic media by terrell


January 7: Two days before China announced the outbreak, the CDC established a coronavirus incident management system. Nancy Pelosi was beginning Week 3 of withholding the House’s sham impeachment articles from the Senate.

January 21: The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to confront the new disease. Congressional Democrats wrote their opening arguments for the Senate’s impeachment trial.

January 27: Vice President Pence outlined the administration’s efforts to work with China to counter the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak. Senator Schumer demanded the Senate allow Democrats to call witnesses for their impeachment trial.

January 31: Experts have praised Trump’s decision to impose restrictions on travel from China, saying it was critical in slowing the spread of the disease to the U.S. Democrat leaders, including former Vice President Biden, criticized the decision, saying it was “hysterical xenophobia”, “fearmongering”, and “racist.”

February 9: The Trump administration’s Coronavirus Task Force met with governors to coordinate response efforts. Angry that the Senate had denied Democrats the chance to drag out the impeachment with witnesses, then ::gasp:: acquitted President Trump on Feb 5, Senator Schumer solicited inspectors general to give him new dirt in hopes of opening a new investigation.

February 24: President Trump requested additional funding from Congress to help fight the Wuhan Coronavirus. Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler demanded more documents from AG Barr to continue his political vendetta against the Trump administration.

March 2: The Trump administration secured commitments from top pharmaceutical companies to develop a vaccine to fight new disease. Democrats began “quietly discussing moving ahead with punishments for individuals who defied subpoenas” in the impeachment sham.

March 11: President Trump announced a 30 day ban on travel from Europe to limit the spread of the pandemic. Democrats declared that calling the virus that originated in Wuhan, China, either Wuhan Coronavirus or Chinese Coronavirus is racist.

Bottom Line: While President Trump and his administration have been focused on protecting us, the Democrats in Congress have been focused on attacking him.

WUHAN CORONAVIRUS: [2:07]This week, it’s “racist” and “xenophobic” to call COVID-19 by the city where it first appeared. Last week, it wasn’t. Leftists are idiots. H/t Mindful Webworker.

2020_03 13 retronym

WORD NERD: Retronym [noun] RET-roh-nim A term (such as analog watch, film camera, rotary phone, or snail mail) that is created to distinguish the new version of something from the old version.

2020_03 13 coronavirus introverts

GRAMMY NOTES: The Buzzers will be home from school for the next two weeks. Mama says she’s well stocked up on everything they will need and plan to have lots of together time in the house, yard, and taking walks.

We’ve also heard the college spring sports schedule has been canceled and that many college students will be finishing up their semesters online.

Please pray for friends of ours who have tested positive. They are not in an at-risk category, but have had a rough winter with other bugs, so not in a good place to fight off yet another virus.

2020_03 13 accidentally


Filed under Loose Pollen

5 responses to “Bits & Bytes

  1. More retronyms: Old Testament, black and white TV, and World War I.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, wait, I’ve got one: “real reality,” as distinguished from “virtual.”

    Liked by 2 people