Bits & Bytes

2020_03 14 family time

2020_03 14 pi day

PI DAY: Take a break from politics and pandemics to celebrate Pi Day! I have no idea how one would do that, but I’m open to suggestions.

2020_03 14 Most dangerous virus

GOP vs. DEM: The Trump administration got many of the major health insurers to agree to waive co-pays for coronavirus testing.

Nancy Pelosi tried (then failed) to slime abortion funding into the coronavirus stimulus package.

Joe Biden harshly criticized Trump’s response to the Wuhan Coronavirus, then proceeded to call for the exact same courses of action that Trump has taken.

One of the people Joe Biden (77) has advising him about the pandemic is University of Pennsylvania’s Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who wrote in 2014, “I hope to die at 75,” because “living too long” renders people uncreative, unable to work, “faltering and declining,” and “transforms how people experience us, relate to us, and, most important, remember us. We are no longer remembered as vibrant and engaged but as feeble, ineffectual, even pathetic.

2014_03 14 wuhan

CHINESE PROPAGANDA: Rep. Jim Banks compares Chernobyl with the Wuhan Coronavirus global pandemic.

The central government in Beijing has tried to blame local officials for the delayed response to COVID-19, but like the Soviets and Chernobyl, the blame lies with the system.”

The article is worth reading.

WUHAN CORONAVIRUS: Dan Bongino interviews Dr. Centeno about Coronavirus facts and fiction. [42:23] This interview is really interesting. Net message: This is serious, but there’s no reason to panic. We’re in good shape in the U.S.

For example, they tested all the people who had been confined for a month on a cruise ship with an infected individual; surprisingly, only 17% had contracted the disease. That’s good news. So is the date. Peak flu months are December through February, but flu mostly gone by April and May.

The articles below include the two Dr. Centeno wrote and a third article about how, during the 1918 flu pandemic, medics found that severely ill flu patients nursed outdoors recovered better than those treated indoors.

Since then, research has proven that outdoor air is a natural disinfectant and that sunlight can kill the flu virus.

2020_03 14 jerk

WHAT A JERK: Rudy Gobert thought the NBA was being silly to insist that reporters to stay six feet away from players at all time. So, as a goof, he decided to touch all of their microphones after his Q&A ended. A couple of days later, he tested positive for Wuhan Coronavirus. Those reporters are not amused.

2020_03 14 antivirals

NATURAL ANTIVIRALS: I recommend you google any of these you are thinking of using to make sure they are not contraindicated for your particular situation. E.g., St. Johns Wort has a longish “do not take if you use any of these drugs” list.

2020_03 14 facebook

HOMEOPATHY: A friend posted the natural antivirals information above to her FB timeline and I wanted to return the favor with a link to the article (below) about the success of homeopathy during the 1918 flu pandemic.

Facebook told me it went against “community standards.” ::eyeroll:: (Is Big Pharma paying Facebook to block homeopathy sites?! Sheesh.)

I recommend you read the article. I now make a point of keeping Gelsemium homeopathic remedy in my homeopathy first aid kit.

2014_03 14 border

BORDER: SCOTUS says “Remain in Mexico” rule stands The Supreme Court has put a hold on a lower court’s injunction that tried to prevent President Trump from exercising his power to regulate who enters the country.

Border control isn’t racist. And it isn’t just about stemming the flow of drugs and human trafficking into our nation. It’s also about keeping Americans safe from imported diseases.

Since November, nearly 300,000 illegal immigrants have been apprehended or deemed “inadmissible.” Over half of these people originated in nations with cases of Wuhan Coronavirus (e.g., China, Italy, Iran, South Korea).


2020_03 14 drugs

DRUGS: On March 11, DEA officials conducted a synchronized nationwide raid that resulted in the round up of more than 250 members of Mexico’s Cartel de Jalisco Nuevo Generacion (CJNG), almost 1,322 pounds of drugs, and more than $20 million in cash.

The cartel kingpin, Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, also known as “El Mencho,” is still at large; the State Department has offered a $10 million reward for information leading to his arrest.

2020_03 14 pro life

PRO-LIFE: When this woman was 19, she became pregnant and, feeling panicked, went to an abortionist. But she changed her mind and tried to get up off the table before the procedure could be started. The abortionist was having none of that. Four people physically held her down, one on each arm, one on each leg, while the abortionist killed her unborn baby.

She went on to study law where she made the decision to dedicate her work to prevent abortion and to protect other women and girls from undergoing the same traumatic experience she had faced.

ABORTION: [:24]“The devil has made his home among the leadership of the Democratic Party for some time now, and found it a most hospitable environment. This can be deduced from the fact that every prominent Democrat figure is totally committed to abortion — even partial-birth abortion and post-delivery abortion, which is to say infanticide. What else but diabolical influence can explain their determination to block even the slightest impingement upon the murder of children?

Consider the recently failed effort to require abortion doctors to have hospital affiliations. This measure wouldn’t have restricted abortion in the least. Rather, it was solely concerned with the health and safety of women undergoing abortive procedures (which not uncommonly result in ancillary damage). Reasonable as it was, the legislation was seen as an intolerable compromise.” – Fr. Michael Orsi

2020_03 14 gender

GENDER: “When you declare that bathrooms, change rooms, locker rooms, and other spaces that were once female-only can now be accessed by males as long as they claim to be a woman — even if they are still in possession of fully functioning male genitals and happen to be attracted to females — you have created a situation that predators will take advantage of. In fact, in many ways, it is a perfect opportunity for predators, since they do not have to have any evidence beyond their own say-so that they happen to be a female. They simply have to identify as a woman, and because the transgender movement has rendered that term meaningless, we must believe them. Every previous generation would have recognized the inherent folly of these new bathroom policies, because the dangers are glaringly obvious.” Jonathan Van Maren

I just watched an episode of television in which two female characters discussed a document the female employees were circulating anonymously about which male members of the staff they needed to avoid being alone with and the sad lack of gender neutral bathrooms in their workplace. ::smh::

2020_03 14 disney

DISNEY: Movies that had been out a week or more gained viewership last weekend, suggesting the Wuhan Coronavirus had not kept people away from the theaters. This adds to the likelihood that the dreadful box office take for Onward, Disney’s first animated movie with an openly homosexual character, was due to Disney’s promotion of homosexuality, and the petitions and boycotts related to it.

2020_03 14 grammy

GRAMMY NOTES: No kiddingTo illustrate how differently the Slime Stream Media reported on the epidemic that happened on Obama’s watch, I asked Mama Buzz if she even remembered the Swine Flu epidemic. “Ummmmmm … the name is familiar … was I alive then?”

2020_03 14 dead flies
2020_03 14 tp


Filed under Loose Pollen

5 responses to “Bits & Bytes

  1. chrissythehyphenated

    The last toon is funny, but the artist got the colors of the Four Horses of the Apocalypse wrong. They’re supposed to be white, red, black, and puke green.

    Liked by 1 person

    • chrissy: the artist got the colors of the Four Horses of the Apocalypse wrong. They’re supposed to be white, red, black, and puke green.

      Cartoonist: “I’ve got a harbinger of the Apocalypse carrying toilet paper and you’re critiquing the color of the horses?” 😀

      Get out your crayons for this page from the Apocalypse 2020 coloring book:


  2. Union Worker’s Response was really great to see. Left me with a big ol’ smile.

    π Day

    We celebrated with Pizzas. We had a 1st bdy party for our granddaughter, at my Mom’s. She’s almost walking, and incredibly alert. Granddaughter I mean. Mom is too. 😉

    I was sneaking a catnap when 2½-yo grandson whapped me on the chest and indicated I had to go play piano with him. He’s good at it, ‘musical,’ not noisy-banging. Big smiles and great fun. Even lowered the lid down carefully when he decided we were done. One of my all-time top moments in music!


    Thanks for the link on the homeopathy. Milady and I have some acquaintance with herbology – enough to know we don’t know enough (as your St. John’s warning suggests). Homeopathy, however, has been our go-to for decades. It’s more complicated than herbs, but less dangerous. (Even those who view it as placebo and fraud acknowledge its harmlessness.)

    But I see garlic on the herbs list. Yes, everyone should eat a lot of garlic. It helps ramp up metabolism and natural resistance, and helps assure that everyone give each other plenty of “social distance.”


    • chrissythehyphenated

      “One of my all-time top moments in music!” ❤

      Garlic "social distance" … giggle! I favor honey fermented garlic. It has the same powerful action as honey and garlic, plus extra pro-biotics. It also tastes better; the garlic mellows during fermenting, so you can eat it right off a spoon. And it last for AGES. While fresh garlic is getting dried out and/or moldy, the jar of honey fermented is getting more and more yummy.

      It's super easy to do. I made my first batch with whole cloves, but thought it was a pain to chop up sticky garlic. So now I chop the raw cloves and put them through my garlic masher. It's more work at the beginning, but gives me months of zero work, honey fermented garlic ready to use. It's especially wonderful in Asian recipes.

      Liked by 1 person