Bits & Bytes

2024: CLICK [2:42] to hear Donald Trump say he doesn’t think Joe Biden will make it to the 2024 election.

CLICK [1:31] to see a montage of evidence that he’s absolutely right.

CATHOLIC: [5:07] – A “proudly gay female” who goes by Jetty Nique attempted to receive Holy Eucharist at the 10 a.m. Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in St. Cloud, FL. Because she didn’t open her mouth or reply “Amen” when he said, “Body of Christ,” Father Rodriguez asked her when she has last received the Sacrament or gone to Confession. She refused to tell him, so he gave her only a blessing.

She re-presented herself for Communion at the 12 p.m. Mass, at which point he said he was not judging her but needed to know if she had gone to Confession. She told him it was “not his business” then extended her arm and crumbled several consecrated hosts. The priest struggled to restrain the woman as she refused to let go of the hosts. When she pushed him, the priest, unable to use one hand because he was holding the ciborium, bit her hand so she would let go of the hosts. She was immediately asked to leave.” 

She reported the incident to the police as assault. “He wouldn’t give me the cookie. I don’t know if it was the way I was dressed, or if it is what I like,” she told police. The priest informed them that yes, “I bit her, I am not denying that. I am defending myself and the sacrament.” The full video and the police report show the woman initiated physical contact and acted inappropriately.

According to the local media, the St. Cloud police department has handed the case over to the Florida Attorney General’s office for further investigation.  The Diocese of Orlando has defended Father Rodriguez saying, “he was simply attempting to prevent an act of desecration of the Holy Communion, which, as a priest, Father Rodriguez is bound by duty to protect.”

COVID-19: The NY Post articles linked below details how NIH senior adviser Dr. David Morens deliberately deleted government records and used his private email account to deliberately dodge records requests from the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. More than one email show that Tony Fauci was involved in preventing the victims of his government mandates from knowing knowing the facts behind them all.

EVs: The Biden admin set a goal of building half a million electric vehicle charging stations in the United States by the year 2030. During the three years that Mayor Pete has been in charge of Transpo, they have built eight. I’m not complaining about the lack of EV stations, but I surely would like to know what they did with the $7.5 BILLION we taxpayers got dinged for this long con back in 2021.

PHILATELY: Even if you’re not interested in stamps or space flight, this episode is worth watching. [8:18] – “No idea what this event was.” ::sigh:: I was in COLLEGE when this happened. It was a very BIG deal at the time. I’m so sad that it’s been forgotten … except by space enthusiasts and philatelists. So score another one for my awesome hobby. 🙂

S&G: Another wealthy, white liberal, gender-confused man …

WOW: CLICK [:31] to see what a fire in a fireworks factory does. It makes me think of God’s pillar of fire and smoke, you know?

GRAMMY NOTES: For Memorial Day, the Mascots made rosaries for the missions. Also CLICK to see a beautiful piece of my home town. I swam and hiked here when I was a kid, I took my girls there, and now the girls take their kids when they visit. 🙂

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