Bits & Bytes

2024: The article linked below includes the following – “One adviser to major Democratic Party donors provided a running list that has been shared with funders of nearly two dozen reasons why Biden could lose, ranging from immigration and high inflation to the president’s age, the unpopularity of Vice President Kamala Harris and the presence of third-party candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. … ‘The list of why we ‘could’ win is so small I don’t even need to keep the list on my phone,’” he adds.

END TIMES: LifeSiteNews email today featured the following articles …

  1. Male drag ‘artist’ dances for kids at Vatican’s World Children’s Day
  1. Vatican issues statement apologizing for Pope Francis using ‘homophobic’ term
  1. Catholic leaders beg US bishops to cancel agency funding Marxist, pro-abortion, pro-LGBT groups
  1. Archbishop Viganò: ‘Bergoglio is one of the main activists of the hellish LGBTQ + agenda’

LAWSUITS: The article linked below discusses how lawsuits are successfully derailing the trans conveyor belt that is destroying children’s lives.

LIBERTARIANS: RFK Jr. was kicked off their prez ballot in the first round of voting. Their nominee is a homosexual who supports COVID jab mandates and open borders. LifeSiteNews reports the theme of their convention was “Become Ungovernable”, as they have apparently embraced the Marxist Left’s anti-child, anti-marriage, anti-American, anti-human, and ultimately anti-God ideologies.

LGBTQIA+: The plus (+) stands for a host of sick, sinful sexual practices, including bestiality. So a group of 9th grade girls were told by a guest speaker at Renmark High School in South Australia.

The students were ordered to leave their regular classes to attend a special hour-long presentation focused on “relationships.” Parents said they were not notified about the presentation, nor was it consented to. There were no other adults supervising the bait-and-switch hit job, which focused on relationships that offend God, including bestiality which the students say was “explained in detail.

Some of the students were so uncomfortable that they asked to go to the bathroom and never came back. Some parents have unenrolled their kids. The administration claims they were blindsided by the content of the presentation, but admit they did not follow the prescribed procedure for notifying parents. The school has arranged a social worker to help support affected students.

SOROS: The apple didn’t fall far from the tree. George Soros’ son Alex has joined those attacked Harrison Butker’s pro-family commencement speech. Patrick Reilly, the president of the Cardinal Newman Society, noted that conservative, pro-family Catholics like Butker stand in “stark contrast to the radicalism and confusion at most other colleges.”

TRANS: Alliance for Defending Freedom (ADF) is representing a teenaged female athlete in West Virginia against the Biden administration’s new Title IX rules requiring schools to allow trans males to compete against females. Just one of these twerps not only defeated nearly 300 girls more than 700 times in middle school track events, but also sexually harassed actual girls, forcing them to avoid the girls’ locker room altogether.


Filed under Loose Pollen

4 responses to “Bits & Bytes

  1. Pete Peterson

    You’ve chanced the whole format since I’ve been here.

    The sham that’s going on in New York reminds me of Hitler’s judge, jury and executioner, Roland Friesler. He would scream at innocent defendants before he sentenced them to death. If I posted this on Facebook along with an image I’d get a 30 day ban…or worse. Keep up the good work, y’all. I’m always here, even though you may not know it.

    Liked by 1 person

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