Bits & Bytes

2024: A Roanoke poll shows the historically Blue state of Virginia was evenly split between Trump and Biden before the conviction. I’m eager to see how the post-conviction polls change.

CLICK [1:10] to see the latest from Trump impersonator Shawn Farash celebrating “The Year of the Outlaw President.

BACK THE BLUE: [3:57] – Mustafa Ahmed Mohamed of Minneapolis ambushed Minneapolis police officer Jamal Mitchell, kiIIing him and another civilian. Three others were injured. Officer Mitchell leaves behind a child who will now grow up without a father.

CATHOLIC: Solfege (sole fezj) is a system where every note of a scale is given its own unique syllable, which is used to sing that note every time it appears. Good thing Maria Von Trapp was a Catholic. 😉

CATHOLIC NEWS: Worth watching [8:56] – 1. The public is furious about Trump’s conviction. 2. “Tolerant” liberals screamed at Catholics praying the rosary in NYC. 3. A new poll shows support for gay marriage is dropping. 4. The Diocese of Orlando is behind Fr. Fidel Rodriguez. 5. Fr. Jean-Luc Radier has been arrested and charged with sexual abuse of a 9 year old boy. 6. Socialist Spain has banned public recitations of the rosary in Madrid on their election day.

DEI: After five years, Harvard has decided to phase out a requirement for faculty seeking promotion to submit a statement about how they support and promote DEI.

In other faux diversity and tolerance news, CLICK [:38] to see two Leftie groups clash in the City of Brotherly Love, shouting slogans at each other. CLICK [:30] to see the brawl that broke out because of TOLERANCE. Or something.

In Italy, LGBTQAI+ activists have vandalized a pro-life group’s headquarters for the second time in ten days. The building was painted with threats like ‘you will pay,’ ‘We’ll not give you peace,’ and ‘trans riot’ and posters with the slogan ‘Queers for Palestine.’

JOBS: More than half of the jobs created in the past five years have come in two states: Texas and Florida. California, which used to be a leader in new jobs, is now dead last, with net job losses.

PRO-PALESTINE: A man described as a “North American Jew and graduate of Columbia University who was active in World War II” has anonymously but pointedly snubbed his alma mater for promoting Fascism and hatred of Jews by donating $260 million to Bar-Ilan, one of Israel’s largest universities.

VAXXX: Dr. Masanori Fukushima, who spearheaded the first cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University and launched the first course in pharmacoepidemiology there, listed a slew of problems with the COVID mRNA jabs. This, the most senior medical oncologist in Japan labeled the COVID-19 mRNA shots “abuse of science”,“the work of evil”, and “essentially murder.

Even as more and more health professionals are admitting the ‘rona jabs are poison and two state supreme courts take up vaxxx cases, the WHO is doubling down its support. The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has declared “it’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers.”

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