Bits & Bytes

2024: The Trump Campaign and the RNC say they raised $141 million in May. More than a third of the haul was collected within 24 hours of Trump’s guilty verdict.

BORDER: CLICK [:52] to hear Texas Gov. Abbott welcome National Guard troops to the new Forward Operating Base in Eagle Pass. One of the very few tasks our Founding Fathers actually gave to the federal government was to protect our borders. ::smh::

CALIFORNICATION: The Golden State used to be #1 in job creation. Now it is #50. This week, 48 Rubio’s Coastal Grill restaurants closed. High taxes, ridiculous regulations, and now an obscene hike in minimum wage killed them, along with the hundreds of jobs they provided.

Daily headlines have chronicled job losses, reduced working hours, restaurant closures and higher prices for California’s inflation-weary consumers as a direct result of this minimum wage hike. Feedback from our members suggests this has become a breaking point for many small restaurant businesses.” -Jot Condie, president and CEO of the California Restaurant Association

CATHOLIC: I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever — the Spirit of Truth.” (John 14:16-17) – It boggles my mind that so many Christians can simultaneously believe that the Bible is inerrant and that the Holy Spirit somehow dropped the ball for more than a millennium.

COVID-19: Alina Chan, a Harvard and MIT molecular biologist, says not only that the COVID-19 virus most likely leaked from a Chinese lab, but also that the US bears responsibility for pumping tens of millions of dollars into high-risk research on extremely infectious viruses at the Wuhan facility, which has weak safety protocols. The only thing surprising about any of this is that the report was published as a guest essay in the New York Times, which has long been skeptical and dismissive of the lab leak theory.

FAUCI: On Monday, a House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic questioned Tony Fauci again. [3:47:45]. – I’ve posted the full video above for anyone who cares to watch it. The hearing doesn’t even start until 18:45. Full disclosure: I have not seen any of this.

GRAMMY NOTES: RE: School evals … When I was in graduate school at Cornell, I taught a mini course in Educational Communications. On the first day and in my syllabus, I defined “jargon” and explained both its function and that whenever I used a word with which they were unfamiliar, they should stop me and ask for a definition. One of my students (the snotty, know-it-all one) wrote on his eval: “Teacher used too much jargon.” I don’t recall him ever once stopping me to ask for a definition of anything. He probably didn’t bother to read the syllabus either. ::smh::

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