Bits & Bytes

2024: CLICK [1:04] to hear Trump win over hospitality workers.

BIDEN: [7;12] – More plagiarism in Normandy.

CALIFORNICATION: Over the last four years, 53.3% of Californians who made more than $150K per year have fled the state. Gov. Gavin’s proposals for making up the $27.6 billion budget deficit include:

  1. Using up $12.2 billion of California’s rainy day fund.
  2. Cutting $100 million to clean up homeless camps.
  3. Cutting $90 million of trial court funding.
  4. Cutting $10 million in Department of Justice Division of Law Enforcement funding.
  5. Cutting out $80 million of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s funding, including eliminating 4,600 beds across 13 prisons.
  6. Keeping $6.7 billion for climate-related programs.
  7. Keeping $1 billion in Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention grants.
  8. Keeping $90 million in Outdoor Equity Grants.
  9. Pouring another $4.2 billion into the high speed rail system that has already cost $128 billion and goes nowhere useful.
  10. Increasing taxes on businesses, including eliminating allowing businesses to write off operating expenses for taxes.

There are no Republicans holding any statewide office.

CATHOLIC: A video portal was installed in New York City and in Dublin to allow passersby to connect with people in real time between the two locations. In May, Dominican priests who live just around the corner from the portal in Ireland led the rosary with Catholics in both locations. There are plans to host future video portal rosaries on the 22nd of each month. There are videos at the link.

D.C.: Last week, a female carjacked and crashed a vehicle with an elderly woman still in it. The kidnap victim was pronounced dead following the incident. Democrat US Attorney Matthew Graves is charging the perp with a single count of unarmed carjacking.

Two years ago, an elderly woman participated in a prayer protest that temporarily blocked an abortion clinic. Democrat US Attorney Matthew Graves charged her with violating the FACE Act; she was recently sentenced to two years behind bars.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a gain. We are not like them.

HUNTER: After deliberating for just three hours, the jury found Son of Fauxtus guilty on all three counts stemming from his purchase and owning of a firearm while being addicted to illegal drugs.

It seems likely the fact that the Biden DOJ allowed the case to go forward so the administration’s legal vendetta against Trump would have some appearance of non-partisanship. But note that the gun crimes predate Joe’s term in the White House.

We all remember how the Secret Service was totally stumped when it came to figuring out who had brought a bag of cocaine into the super secure White House while the First Son was visiting. The videos from that day show Hunter was high-as-a-kite … but I’m sure that was all just a coinkidink.

TRUMP: CLICK [:21] to hear him tell Evangelicals, “You just can’t vote Democrat. They’re against religion. They’re against your religion in particular. You cannot vote for Democrats, and you have to get out and vote. We have to defend religious liberty, free speech, innocent life, and the heritage and tradition that built America into the greatest nation in the history of the world.”

TEXAS: More on Democrats weaponizing our justice system to advance their progressive agenda – Biden’s DOJ has arrested Dr. Eitan Haim and charged him with four felony counts of violating HIPAA.

What Dr. Haim actually did was blow the whistle on Texas Children’s Hospital, which was violating a Texas law banning child butchery. Oops, I mean, “gender-affirming sex-change surgery.” The federal charges claim he revealed personal and private medical records, but according to the report I read, he went to painstaking lengths to redact names and other identifying info of the victims.

DONATE to Dr. Haim’s judicial fund @ They are a little more than half way to their goal.

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