Bits & Bytes

2024: Another key Democrat demographic is switching sides.

BORDER: Eight Tajikistan nationals with ties to ISIS were busted recently during a three city, multi-force sting operation. The arrests took place in New York City, Los Angeles and Philadelphia. All eight are here illegally.

CALIFORNICATION: On May 25, a former soap opera actor named Johnny Wactor was shot and killed in downtown Los Angeles. He interrupted thieves attempting to steal the catalytic converter from his car. In response, a Democrat Los Angeles City Council member — there are no Republicans — blamed the automaker for failing to make the catalytic converters harder to steal.

CLIMATE: A new study entitled “Abrupt reduction in shipping emission as an inadvertent geoengineering termination shock produces substantial radiative warming” was published on May 30 in Nature.

In it, a team of high-powered NASA scientists report that 80% of the global warming that has occurred since the turn of the decade has been the result of the abrupt 80% cut in sulphur dioxide emissions from international shipping mandated in 2020.

The science is simple. “Fewer fuel particles injected into the atmosphere reduce cloud droplet density and this leads to clouds that reflect less solar radiation back into space.

DIVISION: The Southern Poverty Law Center puts any group that opposes medical gender transitioning of minors on their hate map. Their latest addition was a group that was founded by a lesbian.

CLICK [:17] to see another example of leftist division. At a pro-Hamas protest, a black man tells a bunch of Jews, “I wish H*tler was still here, he would’ve wiped you all out,” man tells Jews in Union Square during “Day of Rage” protests.

FAUXTUS: CLICK [:55] to see Dementia Joe in an episode of akinesia. Akinesia “can make your face look like it’s frozen in one facial expression. It can also make you walk with a distinct rigid movement known as ‘gait freezing.’”

In an article about Parkinson’s Disease, Healthline describes other symptoms we’ve been seeing, including: shaking of muscles (tremors) in your hands and fingers, especially when you’re resting or distracted; softening of the voice or slowed speech; not being able to stand up straight or maintain a certain posture; moving slowly and taking longer to finish physical tasks (bradykinesia).

HUNTER: [15:21] – I’m wondering what will happen to Hunter’s tax problems if Joe gets taken off the ticket.

JAN. 6: Donald Trump has famously claimed that on January 6 “Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security. She turned down 10,000 soldiers. If she didn’t turn down the soldiers, you wouldn’t have had Jan 6.” CLICK [1:28] to see a newly released video in which Pelosi takes responsibility for Jan. 6.

MEDIA: CLICK [:28] to see the Boston Celtics’ coach respond to race-baiting jerknalist. The silence was deafening.

OMG: CLICK [13:05] to see James O’Keefe’s latest exposé. This time, the mark is an ABC Good Morning America producer who believes that “truth is overwhelmingly liberal.” Once again … we are not like them.

GRAMMY NOTES: “Though we may never know” immediately got me hearing this in the voice of Harry Connick Jr in Independence Day. LOL

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Filed under Loose Pollen

One response to “Bits & Bytes

  1. “News” video: “Jesus’ Childhood Detailed in Ancient Manuscript”

    NY Post headline: “Newly deciphered manuscript is oldest written record of Jesus’ childhood: ‘Extraordinary’”

    Someone deciphered a scrap of papyrus that had been sitting around for a long time, and realized it was a fragment of the Gospel of Thomas. Oldest known bit of it, by 600 years.

    Historically interesting, but theologically? Ha! Headline writers are click-baiters.

    Back in the early 80s, when the days were longer I guess, I spent some time exploring Apocrypha and modern “revelations.” I particularly recall reading Thomas and thinking, nuh-unh, no way is this kid the Jesus of the four Gospels. Spirit of Truth was not ringing one bit. So, not “Jesus’ childhood.”

    People have always made up stories about their heroes and saints, and they’re passed along and believed. (George Washington and the cherry tree.) Thomas is like those letters (later emails) folks would pass along, a list of things to which folks would often add. (Pass along five copies or you’ll have bad luck often added.) “Yeah, and I also heard this one….”

    That’s right. I’m doubting Thomas. 😛

    I was amused by this one – a kind of first-Century response to misogyny:

    Simon Peter said to them, “Mary should leave us, because women aren’t worthy of life.”

    Jesus said, “Look, am I to make her a man? So that she may become a living spirit too, she’s equal to you men, because every woman who makes herself manly will enter the kingdom of heaven.”


Polite comments are welcome.