Chloe Cole Now

[2:43:23] – Full length discussion with famous detransitioner, Chloe Cole, on Pints with Aquinas. Below are some choices from the comments:

Awesome to see how much she’s grown and gotten stronger since the Peterson episode. God bless her.

Eastern Orthodox ex transgender person here, if anyone wants to pray for me that would be great. It’s been really tough lately. Glory to Jesus Christ!

Transitioned at 28. De-transitioning at 38. Stopped the medication three weeks ago. It feels really lonely. I don’t think even my church, Episcopal, is going to be very supportive. I’m just trying to trust God and clean up my mess.

Former transgender here. My story is very similar to Chloe’s, albeit I was a male “transitioning” to female. Rough childhood, unstable home, sexual abuse, minimal social life. I was also encouraged by doctors and mental health professionals to continue with the transition. I thank the Lord that He shielded me from the medical side of things and healing me of my gender dysphoria. I was Protestant for a few years, but am now fully received into the Catholic Church since Easter. God loves you, He will heal you and save from this darkness. Glory to the Triune God ️

I love it when she says she realized, “”There’s nothing I could ever be but a woman. And it’s not easy. But it’s not about easy. It’s a gift.”

As a former lgbt community member myself, I’m so proud that we are rallying together to support each other in this month. Prayers for Chloe Cole!!!

Chloe Cole was one of the people who helped me realize at 18 why I wanted to transition and why it was so harmful. I’m grateful to her for sharing her story, especially the gruesome details. We share many of the same reasons that drove us to want to transition. I lived as a transman ages 14-28. I detransitioned a year ago. Medical complications made detransition extremely difficult, but I am endlessly grateful that I was healed in a very deep way and liberated from a disorder that makes your life absolute hell. For those of us who actually had this condition, transgenderism, it was the worst physical torture and I would not wish it on my worst enemies. It’s absolutely delusional and CRUEL to try pushing people into this condition- which will either be totally artificial because they don’t legitimately have transgenderism, or will be a deeper hell by entrenching them in a disorder that did not happen naturally.

Chloe is so articulate in revealing how our current culture has created a perfect storm for gender dysphoria to arise. What a beautiful and brilliant person.

Chloe’s courage in the face of the Trans-activists backlash and vilification is truly astounding. What a woman

She brought up all of the factors we should be talking about – history of abuse, broken families, autism, social media fixation, overconsumption of anime and manga. It’s crazy how 99.9% of the time you’ll find some form of this cocktail in transgender people. And of course P, especially with men.

It’s so sad and frustrating that Chloe was failed at every single stage of her adolescence. By her parents, peers, doctors, teachers, etc… God bless her.

Chloe seems like such a sweet and kind young woman with such a big heart, which only makes her story even more tragic and sad. I’m so glad that she’s speaking out about her experience and I really appreciate her boldness in doing so.

I am from Africa I can not comprehend how deep was her pain but there is no any advocate of justice for a kid like this. It is injustice that happen to a 15 years old girl or minor . This crime is more than rape and murder. Pls bring this kind of crime to justice.

Gosh she’s really blossomed and is so beautiful and bright! I remember her very first interviews – she never smiled. She seemed to have a lot of heavy sadness and was perhaps tentative about putting her story out there back then that I really felt for her but she’s looking so positive and uplifted here – very happy for her journey and happy to see her laughing and smiling so wide!

So happy for her. She seems so much more vibrant and self-assured than in previous interviews. Hope she is healing spiritually, physically and emotionally.

Love her, “thank you sir” at the end. What a lovely young lady. Prayers for her as she continues speaking out!

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