Bits & Bytes

2024: CLICK [1:11] to hear how much 45 hates low water pressure. Now CLICK [:11] to hear his competition at the G7. ::smh::

CATHOLIC: It is a myth that the Catholic Church was opposed to vernacular translations of the Bible. Where such things were banned, it was only in response to breakaway sects using bad translations to attack Catholic teachings.

In the late fourth century, St. Jerome translated the Hebrew and Greek texts into the vernacular Latin of his day. And, as Christianity spread to various peoples that had not been part of the Roman Empire, the Church’s Bible translations are often the oldest surviving texts in their languages. An Old High German version of the Gospel of Matthew dates from 748. Sts. Cyril and Methodius translated the Bible into Old Slavonic in the late 9th century. In the 10th century, it was translated in to Arabic.

Among many of the European vernacular languages, translations came late, not because of reluctance by the Church, but because these languages were in flux and did not have vocabularies capable of accurately translating the meaning. The Bible was translated into Old French and Castilian Spanish in the 13th century, into Czech and Lithuanian in the 14th century, into Welsh and Italian in the 14th century, into Hungarian in the 15th century.

Graphic above shows a page from the German Wenceslas Bible made for King Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia in the 1390s.

CORI BUSH: Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves.” (Matthew 7:15) – Two years ago this Squad member published her autobiography. In it, she claims to have performed miraculous healings. But check out the way she describes it:

As I learned how to apply God’s Word to my life in new ways, I better understood the power that was already residing in me,” Bush wrote of her abilities in The Forerunner: A Story of Pain and Perseverance in America. “It was there, waiting for me to acknowledge it, to use it. I had the confidence to heal others with God’s power.

No. No. And no. Phrases like “new ways” and “power residing in me“ are New Age red flags. She may have prayed over people and seen health problems go away, but the fact is that Satan can appear to cause a healing if he was the source of the illness in the first place.

Yes, some people have a gift of healing. But it’s not a power. God alone does the healing.

JEW HATERS: CLICK [:20] to hear former Grand Wizard David Duke give the KKK’s approval to the pro-Palestinian movement.

LEFTIE LIES: CLICK [:30] to see where the photo came from.

LGBTQXYZ: CLICK [5:23] to hear an excellent talk about the “rainbow alphabet creeps.” Pat Condell is a British writer, polemicist, and former stand-up comedian.

MASSACHUSETTS: [3:34] – State taxpayers are funding ads and a website promoting the lie that “anti-abortion centers” (aka, crisis pregnancy centers) are evil because they “do not provide abortion care or referrals.”


CLICK [:24] to see an epic moment. So cool! My father was an avid golfer. He would’ve talked about this for weeks! LOL

CLICK [:44] to hear a black comic talk about why rednecks are awesome.


Filed under Loose Pollen

2 responses to “Bits & Bytes

  1. Always fascinating to have archeological finds from scriptural stories. (And sometimes funny they’re written up with a tone of “gosh! the Bible isn’t just made-up stories!”)

    In case you didn’t see this:

    NY Post:

    Clues of bloody Biblical battle between angel of God and 185K invading soldiers uncovered in Jerusalem…

    This appears to be the site of Sennacherib’s camp from the siege of Jerusalem, which was featured in the three books of the Bible….

    The story tells that Jerusalem’s ruler Hezekiah prayed to the Israelite deity Yahweh — understood as God among Christians [Ha! -mw] — for protection and was sent an angel to ambush soldiers as they slept.

    Other retellings of the attack cite a plague for the massacre of the Assyrian camp, while a version from Greek scripture describes an invasion of mice that chewed through the soldiers’ weaponry.

    Plague or mice – see? Wasn’t an angel at all. (Riiiight.)

    YouTube:S. C. Compton: How I Discovered Sennacherib’s 2700-Year-Old Military Camp (1:07)

    Not all “Biblical archeology” is necessarily valid, though:

    Daily Mail:

    Was the Biblical Garden of Eden in Florida? Minister long claimed park in northwestern part of the state was once home to Adam and Eve…



  2. Meant to include this excellent link:

    Popular Archeology: First-Ever Discovery of Ancient Assyrian Military Camps Includes Biblical Site


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