Bits & Bytes

CALIFORNICATION: A family-owned Arby’s Roast Beef that has been a fixture on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood for 55 years closed its doors on Sunday. The $20/hour state minimum wage law was the final “nail in the coffin.”

CATHOLIC: The old Ark of the Covenant carried the temporary bread from heaven (manna), the old law (the stones with the ten commandments), and the symbol of God’s chosen leader (Aaron’s staff). Mary is the new Ark of the Covenant because she carried in her womb the true Bread of Life, the completed law, and God’s actual chosen leader.

CHICOMS: Why have the ChiComs bought so much American farmland near military bases? … Hmmm, let me think …

LEFTISM: A homeland for bullies and ignoramuses. [3:58] – “I did a study abroad in the Middle East with Israel and Palestine.” … “Israel is Jewish? I did not know that.

TRANS: Another murderous trannie? – A Utah person who legally changed his name and gender has been apprehended after shooting “her” father twice and “her” mother four times. The last shots to both were to their heads, as they lay on the floor. “Mia” (originally Colin Troy, 28) Bailey wanted to make sure they were dead. After killing the parents, Bailey fired a shot into her brother’s bedroom door. The boy had locked himself inside and was not injured. Bailey said the brother was not her main target, but “she would not have been sad had the gunshot killed him.”

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