Bits & Bytes

2024: CLICK to hear the kinds of things that would make us MAGA types lose faith in Trump.

DISNEY: CLICK [2:53] to see the first release by O’Keefe Media Group.

FAUXTUS: Tyler Cherry has previously called for ICE to be abolished, compared police to slave patrols and lynch mobs, and posted “Free Palestine” and other pro-Palestinian comments on social media.

FLORIDA: Ron DeSantis signed a law that required hospitals to ask the immigration status of patients. Hospital expenditures billed to Medicaid dropped by 54%.

LOUISIANA: Gov. Jeff Landry has signed into law a bill that will allow state judges to order surgical castration for certain sex offenders. To qualify, the offender must be 17 or older and the victims must have been under 13.

PARTY OF PEDOS: CLICK [2:50] to hear Sen. Kennedy reveal what a judge Biden nominated for a federal bench seat said and did at the trial and sentencing of a man who sexually abused two children. Kennedy didn’t make a big deal about her use of the word “tragic”, but it really sticks in my craw. A tragedy is “a disastrous event,calamity, or misfortune.” When a tornado destroys your home, it is a tragedy. But when a pervert destroys the innocence of two little girls, it is a CRIME.

CLICK [:27] for more of the same disgusting attitude.

GRAMMY NOTES: I have explained to Dearest about a hundred times the very practical reason that I prefer the towels folded my way. I asked him how many times it would take. He said, “Probably a thousand.” It’s easier to refold them!

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Filed under Loose Pollen

One response to “Bits & Bytes

  1. The misuse of the word “tragedy” to mean anything unfortunate is one of my linguistic pet peeves. Every time I hear someone use “tragedy” to describe what should properly be called an atrocity, my blood pressure spikes, sometimes hitting the triple digits.

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