Bits & Bytes

Please note: Our girls are throwing a family reunion for our 70th/75th birthdays and 45th wedding anniversary on Saturday. BUSY week getting the venue (our house) ready! I’ll be back to posting regularly after I recuperate. 🙂 ❤

2024: Non-citizens are getting voter registration forms all over the US through welfare agencies without showing proof of citizenship. In every state with the exception of Arizona, applicants for welfare benefits or driver’s licenses can receive voter registration forms without needing proof of citizenship.

CALIFORNICATION: After a San Francisco convenience market was robbed and vandalized for the FOURTH time, the first thing the city did was serve the owners with a violation notice telling him he has 90 days to fix the damage. The owner of the uninsurable establishment says he is not making a profit, but is not quite ready to throw in the towel. Residents say his story is typical for their area. “Our neighborhood continues to be picked clean by crime. Our city leaders appear to do very little.”

CULTURE: CLICK to hear why “cultural appropriation” is a fiction invented by liberal white elites who “have nothing much of meaning going on their lives.”

DEBATE: There was no live audience for CNN’s North Korea style “election” debate. The mikes were muted. Non-CNN reporters were barred from attending, including the White House press pool. All of the CNN moderators hate Trump. And CNN put a 1 to 2 minute delay on the broadcast.

Despite their best efforts, Biden still showed himself to be incompetent.

CLICK [2:09] to hear the answers on abortion.

CLICK [:39] to hear the answers on Medicaid.

CLICK [:12] to hear Biden we have “a thousand trillionaires in this country.”

CLICK [:32] to hear Trump answer a question about January 6.

It is hard to imagine any undecided voter who watched this debacle deciding to vote for Dementia Joe. As for hardcore Democrats … go to to read the PANIC that set in within minutes after the debate began.

GRAPHIC ABOVE: I got this at the left-leaning Politico!

EVs: A McKinsey & Co. consumer survey found more than 40% of American electric vehicle owners want to switch back to gas.

LEFTIES LOSING IT: Watch this if you’ve got the stomach for it. [19:51].

GRAMMY NOTES: I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, so doing little chores really is a big deal. I’ve heard this kind of thing from Him many times, but it’s not with a scowl. It’s more like a loving parent or awesome coach encouraging me to push that little bit more.


CLICK for a great line!

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