Bits & Bytes

2018_11 Making apple crisp

MASCOTS: Bunny and Bootz helped Mama make apple crisp from Great-Grandma’s recipe.

ALLIE ON CRTV: The best argument conservatives can make for small government is our own compassion.

PHOTOS SAVED A LIFE: Ramone reveals, “I’m in a situation right now, and the girl’s asking, like, she’s like, ‘I don’t wanna have the baby’. I’m like, ‘I don’t wanna have the baby either,’ but now [I’ve seen these pictures], it’s like, I don’t wanna do that [abortion].”

PAY TO SLAY: Earlier this year, the President promised to cut funding to the terrorist affiliated Palestinian Authority (PA) as long as they continued to reward the families of terrorists.

Now the President’s Administration has gone a step further, cutting off even more funding by withholding a significant sum of money – roughly $200 million dollars – that had been previously earmarked to go to the PA.

2018_11 25 Dolly Parton

ENTERTAINERS: I really appreciate Parton’s smart attitude. It escapes me why left-wing entertainers think they can influence anyone by spewing their polarizing, hate-filled politics all over us. The only concrete impact any of them have had on me is to reduce the number of new movies I will order from Netflix and to thin out my personal DVD collection. How is it entertaining to watch someone who has expressed his or her personal loathing for my values?

2018_11 25 Build that Wall

BORDER: Almost 500 of those “peaceful” rock-throwing, would-be immigrants tried to storm our southern border the way they stormed Mexico’s. The Mexican cops just stood aside and let them go by, but our guys tear gasses them. Mexico says it will deport everyone who participated.

2018_11 25 Pepper spray

TDS TWEET: Fortunately for my Netflix queue and DVD collection, I already didn’t like Alyssa Milano, who tweeted President Trump: “You tear-gassed women and children, asswipe! And on Thanksgiving weekend, you piece of shit, asshole, motherfucking, evil-creature-person!!” Dunno why she’s so pissed, seeing as Barack did the SAME THING five years ago!

SPATCHCOCK CIVILITY: Michelle Malkin talks about “Murphy Brown” threatening ICE agents and discusses the fact that, when Republicans do it, it’s “promoting violence”; when Democrats do it, it’s just LOL.

2018_11 16 Astrology tweet

ASTROLOGY IS GIRLIE: So straight guys hate it, but chicks and gay guys are cool with it. Or something. Me, I hate it because the Bible forbids divination. But Eric makes a good point too. LOL

I LOVE MINIS: But wow oh wow, is this way beyond anything I’ve ever even imagined! The stove, oven, and sink WORK. And I just bought a full sized spatula like she uses. The cakes she makes are amazing. My only question is … who could bear to eat them?!

2018_11 25 Engineers


Filed under Loose Pollen

2 responses to “Bits & Bytes

  1. Mmmm. Apple crisps.

    Milady tried to make some plum crisps recently, experimental crust. They didn’t turn out very crisp. Delicious, though. A re-try is in order.
    Dolly Parton link or graphic or something didn’t work.
    About the border busters, here’s a great bit of video; the horrifying becomes hilarious.
    From the Columbia Bugle h/t a commenter on Ace.

    Related scuttlebutt I’ve read but haven’t seen the sources to confirm:
    • About 500 who tried to break into the USA but were repulsed are being sent back to Central America c/o Mexico.
    • 100,000 folks suddenly decided on their own to reverse direction. Surely that was a mis-placed decimal point, but that’s what I read. Maybe they saw that video of America fighting back?
    Alyssa Milano to President Trump: “You tear-gassed women and children, _______! And on Thanksgiving weekend, you piece of ____, _______, _____________, evil-creature-person!!”

    She seems like the kind of nice girl that a boy would want to take home and introduce to his mother.

    And oh my! on Thanksgiving weekend! That fiendish Trumpf! Putting babies in gas chambers on Our National Holiday Weekend of Not Defending Our Borders!
    🙄 🙄

    For a season or three, Milady and I followed the original Charmed series. Silly, apolitical, fluffy fantasy with three cute girl leads, including Milano. Who was cute. Then.

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