Invasion Not Migration

2018_11 26 Invasion

INVASION: It’s all about economics, NOT asylum from political violence or religious persecution. Migrants in the Central American “caravan” heading towards the US border are planning to wait until an expected 20,000 migrants arrive in Tijuana and then enter the United States illegally en masse, according to a report. The group also plans to attempt to illegally enter the US through vehicle lanes at San Ysidro, because “it’s more spacious.”

Some have told reporters that they have no intention of applying for asylum, saying, “It’s a waste of time. It’s a process that takes months and years—it’s a long time.” Also,We want a better life, and I’m in a hurry.” It’s hardly surprising, since Mexico offered them asylum, but they continued to head toward our border.

MEDIA LIES: For the past month, talking heads on CNN and MSNBC have repeated numerous outright falsehoods, including that it doesn’t exist, that it is comprised of “mostly women and children” that there is “no evidence of criminals” participating; and that none of those marching north are “economic migrants.”

But actual photo’s and videos show that well over 70% are men under the age of 35, Mexican officials have already deported numerous known criminals, and the migrants themselves say they’re not interested in asylum, just money.

Click here to see a video documenting just some of the numerous narratives about the caravan that cable pundits have been pushing interspersed with videos of the caravan showing what Big Fat Liars they are.

2018_11 26 Trump wall

PRESIDENT TRUMP SAID that he has no intention of allowing the invading mob into the country, even if that means closing the US border. “If for any reason it becomes necessary, we will CLOSE our Southern Border. There is no way that the United States will, after decades of abuse, put up with this costly and dangerous situation anymore!”

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd says that during Sunday’s failed attempt to storm the border, “They pushed women and children up front and then behind those women and children, they started throwing rocks, cement bricks, they started throwing bottles at our Border Patrol agents.”

“We were forced to use the action,” Judd said, adding that they did not use “kinetic force” on any children and instead launched tear gas into the area to force the crowd to disperse.

2018_11 26 Major of Tijuana

BORDER PATROL: Click here to watch Rodney Scott, the chief U.S. Border Patrol agent of San Diego, outline on Monday the circumstances that led to law enforcement to use tear gas at the United States-Mexican border on Sunday.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the caravans of migrants crossing Mexico to enter the United States illegally are a threat to public health and national security. Forty-one percent (41%) do not perceive such a threat.


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