Bits & Bytes

BABY FORMULA: Last May, the Biden White House took steps to address the critical baby formula shortage. The makers of Enfamil just announced the shortage is likely to continue until next spring. Funny … I don’t remember seeing “did nothing to make sure babies are getting fed” on that “talk to your uncle at Thanksgiving” thing.

DARWIN AWARD: CLICK [1:39] to see karma visit one of the dumbest criminals ever.

DETRANS: CLICK [3:00] to hear a ftmtf rage against the sickos who let minors choose to transition.

My issue with this is that they’re allowing these things to happen to children. Children who can’t drive. Children who are not old enough to buy alcohol because their brains aren’t mature enough to do that. Children who aren’t mature enough to buy nicotine, according to the law… They can’t get a tattoo without parental consent because that’s a permanent thing on your body. Mentally you don’t understand that it’s going to be forever… They can’t make these decisions, they’re children!

LIFE: CLICK < what he said!

SWEDEN: I remember when Trump said Sweden had chosen the wrong road, because they were getting hit hard. But over time, it’s been proven they were right all along. They got to herd immunity via the quick and dirty method. I saw a Swedish doctor’s report that showed their overall death rate had barely blipped, because the ‘rona mostly picked off low hanging fruit – i.e., people who were going to die soon anyway.


CLICK to see the beautiful fractal shapes a dried tear drop forms.

CLICK to see an epic response to bad signage.

CLICK for life wisdom from a truly lovely 105-year-old woman.

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