Memorial Day

CALIFORNIA: On Oct. 12, 2020, five protesters defaced and tore down the statue of St. Junipero Serra on the grounds of Mission San Rafael Arcángel, the present-day home of St. Rafael Church in San Rafael, California.

On May 25, the Marin County DA’s office announced its decision to reduce the charges from felony vandalism to misdemeanors. the district attorney’s office celebrated their decision as an example of how things can be “resolved through an innovative restorative justice solution.”

The defendants must pay monetary restitution to the church to repair or replace the statue, complete 50 hours of volunteer work, apologize in writing, and participate in a community forum with “a credible historian who will give stakeholders a chance to have a meaningful dialogue about the issue.” They must also stay off church property.

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco said, “It is clear to me that this course of action would not have been taken with anyone else. In fact, if the same kind of offense had been committed against another religious congregation or group, it would almost certainly have been prosecuted as a hate crime. There have been more than 100 attacks on Catholic Church property across the nation, including in the Archdiocese of San Francisco, one of which was someone firing a bullet into our cathedral. Anti-Catholicism has a long and ugly history in this country. Now, with this decision, the Marin County district attorney has given the signal that attacks on Catholic houses of worship and sacred objects may continue without serious legal consequence.

CHURCH of WOKE: CLICK [7:17] to hear Michael Knowles talk about the perversity of diversity. He makes a potent case for the idea that “Wokeness” is a religion.

MICHIGAN: Last September, Joan Jacobson, an 84-year-old pro-life activist who was going door-to-door asking people to vote no on a pro-abortion proposal, was shot in the back with a .22 caliber rifle by Richard Harvey, 75.

Jacobson says she was being peaceful and walking away when she was shot. Her wound was treated at a hospital, so one can suppose the “shot in the back” part is backed up with evidence.

Harvey claims she was “ranting and raving” and waving a clipboard around. “I’m thinking she’s going to smack [my wife] with it. So without thinking, I went to club it away with the rifle and my finger was still in the trigger guard. It went off and hit her about in here.”

Wait, wut? A guy holding a rifle bats at a woman who was allegedly pitching a fit and waving her clipboard around in a threatening manner somehow got shot IN THE BACK?! Oh well, I guess his ridiculous story didn’t matter, because he pled no contest to felonious assault, careless discharge of a firearm causing injury, and reckless discharge of a firearm.

Incredibly, he was sentenced to only 100 hours of community and ordered to pay $347.19 in restitution … maybe to cover her hospital co-pay? Harvey also received a suspended jail sentence of two months, a delayed sentence of one year on probation, and is barred from any contact with Jacobson. I’m wondering what the news coverage and sentence would’ve been like if the political positions of the shooter and his victim had been reversed. Oh wait … no, I’m not wondering, because I know.

NEW YORK STATE: The state’s Department of Health is finally repealing the vaccine mandate. Some 34,000 workers lost or left their jobs over the mandate, which was imposed in 2021. That reduced the health care workforce in the state by 3.5 percent. I was hospitalized during this period and the short staffing had a distressing impact on the quality of care I received. Sadly, it took a major lawsuit to get Hochul et al. to back down.

NIH: In February 2021, the NIH was granted $1.15 billion in funding over four years to study long COVID. But, instead of conducting trials to pin down how to prevent and cure long COVID, they spent most of the money simply watching, tracking, and recording long COVID symptoms. I’m sorry but how much money does it take to just collect data?! Whatever … as of April 2023, they reportedly have nothing of benefit to show the taxpayers who funded their “efforts.”

NOKO: North Korean authorities have sentence a two-year-old child to life in prison with his or her family for the crime of believing in Jesus Christ and owning a Bible. More than 70,000 Christians are in prison camps in Little Rocketman’s Communist Utopia for the same crime. Inside the prison camps, prisoners are starved, beaten, raped, and worked to death. The only “religion” allowed in NoKo is the Marxist atheism slash worship of Little Rocketman; anyone who defies this state religion is deemed a threat to national security.

TARGET: Over the past decade, Target has donated more than $2 million to the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Among other things, GLSEN places LGBT-themed books in K-12 school libraries and encourages teachers to discuss sex and gender with children.

UK: When the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) proposed alterations to the Equality Act that would strengthen the sex-based rights of natural born women, trans activists responded by pouring 24 gallons of their own piss outside the EHRC building.

VFAUXTUS: [1:39] – What I get out of this is that the Daily Show got a memo from on high that Biden/Harris are done. One wonders who it is the PTBs have decided will be our next POTUS.

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