Bits & Bytes

BARBIE: CLICK [42:44] if you want to listen to Ben Shapiro rant about how awful the new Barbie movie is. I listened to less than five minutes, which was plenty.

D.C.: According to the Metro Police, the number of holdups has exploded this year by nearly 60% as thieves assault citizens in broad daylight in so-called good neighborhoods. Some of them turn into fatal shootings. For many, many years, this Democrat-run city has had some of the strictest gun control laws in the country, meaning criminals have almost nothing to fear from the law-abiding sheep they fleece.

FEROCIOUS: Please take a minute to CLICK and listen to Father Mike. I need a tissue.

MANDATES: CLICK [4:28] to hear a brief interview with Gabe Rench, a deacon at Christ Church, who was arrested with two other people for not wearing masks at an outdoor prayer service in the summer of 2020. On June 2, 2023, he won a $300,000 settlement from the city for violating their constitutional rights. Rench estimates the city wasted another $200,000 fighting this losing battle.

NEW YUCK CITY: Democrats are so eager to virtue signal … right up until it’s costing them something.

PEOPLE HATERS: CLICK [1:05] to see some “Just Stop Oil” whackos REFUSE to let a woman pass their protest line to get her sick newborn to the hospital. Best comment on the video: “Every time I see one of these videos, I get into my Hummer and driver around in circles for an hour.”

PYREX: CLICK [17:42] to see Ann Reardon update her report on borosilicate glass vs. soda lime glass. If you use glassware for cooking, this is important information.


GRAMMY NOTES: Fr. Ripperger’s talk* about the Sin of Adam (avoid responsibility) and the Sin of Eve (control men) really opened my eyes to a lot of stuff. In particular, how so much of our current mess dates back to the 60s when both of those sins got ramped up on cultural approval steroids. E.g., the Pill, legal abortion, welfare rewarding single mothers, feminists demonizing SAHMs. It’s interesting how all that coincided with them yanking prayer out of schools.

*The talk is @ [24:29].


Filed under Loose Pollen

2 responses to “Bits & Bytes

  1. Hi, Chrissy, Love! Note the link to Fr. Ripperger’s talk is some dude cleaning a carpet-rug.

    There’s a lot about Eve/isha? and Adam/ish? and what happened would have happened to us all, including that she must have been regularly ogling the forbidden fruit and talking about it for her to end up telling that old serpent that it couldn’t be touched, when the command was not to eat it. They both probably would have licked their fingers anyway – after examining it. HA!

    A bit of fun with the digression, and I thank you again!

    Liked by 1 person

    • chrissythehyphenated

      There are two links … one to Fr. Ripperger’s talk and one for the carpet cleaning. When I ran them simultaneously, listening to Ripperger while watching the carpet cleaning on mute, I had quite a profound spiritual experience.
