The Mona Lisa of Mug Shots

CLICK [:47] to hear Captain Deplorable do his Trump impression on the “Big Beautiful Mugshot, the Mona Lisa of mugshots.

CLICK [:56] to see CNN report with dismay that Trump supporters are photoshopping themselves into Fulton County mugshots and posting them on social media. “His base is sticking with him more than they ever have.

It’s pathetic.” What’s pathetic is that y’all are so sure you understand us and so wrong about what makes us tick that you can’t begin to accurately predict how we’ll react to anything.

The left’s overzealous political prosecutions have backfired and turned Donald Trump into a force of nature. Now, Trump represents someone persecuted by the man and he represents the forgotten man. Democrats thought the mugshot was going to be the end for Trump, but it may be the start of a new beginning.” – Jesse Waters

The day after Trump rejoined Twitter: “Biden has 37m followers. Trump (first hour) has 85m. 81m votes my ass.” – Kathy Richards

The mug above is available @

If you would like to have your very own Fulton County mug shot, here is a blank template for you.


Filed under Loose Pollen

2 responses to “The Mona Lisa of Mug Shots

  1. Thanks for the Captain Deplorable link. Hilarious.

    So many mugshot memes abounding! Forgive some heavy linkage? (From my links pages, but no one will see that, so:)

    A couple of good meme collections:
    👉 Powerline Week in Pictures: Mugshot Edition
    👉 Bookworm Beat: The mugshot heard ’round the world

    These videos by regular YooTubers:
    👉 Razorfist: The mugshot heard ’round the world (5:10 Language)
    👉 PJ Watson: Iconic (3:25)
    👉 Mark Dice: The most iconic photo in history (7:20) Mark has had a Trump Wanted for President shirt available for a while; should by now have new ones with the real mugshot.

    I gotta smile at these Trump’s a Gangsta testimonies. (Language warning on most of these.)
    👉 The people love Trump
    👉 “The more you indict, the more we unite!”
    👉 “Trump is a brother now.”
    👉 Hood 4 Trump
    👉 The always-enjoyable Patricia Dickson: Trump’s indictment and mugshot only makes him more popular (~27min.)

    Just a sampling.

    Sure hope I did all those links right.

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