Bits & Bytes

ASYMPTOMATIC INFECTIVITY: In July 2020, Fauci claimed, “There are a lot of people who are asymptomatic who are spreading infection. … we absolutely should be wearing masks consistently.

His claim was based on poorly designed studies that a new study says got it wrong. Published in the August issue of The Lancet’s Microbe journal, “Viral emissions into the air and environment after SARS-CoV-2 human challenge: a phase 1, open label, first-in-human study“ showed that, prior to experiencing symptoms, people who are infected with the ‘rona do not spread it to others.

CENSORSHIP: Dr. John Littell has regained his Florida board certification which was stripped because he had publicly criticized COVID vaccines. YouTube also frequently removed content from his channel for the same reason.

FAUCI: CLICK [2:51] to hear Tony “I AM THE SCIENCE” try to insist, “There Is No Doubt That Masks Work.” When a CNN anchor challenges him with the study linked below in “MASKS”, he is forced to admit that the old meme – “If you don’t wear a mask, you’re killing someone’s grandma” – is a Big Fat Lie. Mask mandates are useless for controlling an epidemic.

CLICK [4:16] to hear Freedom Toons present The Virus’s Comeback Tour … plus his manager, Tony Fauci.

IVERMECTIN: On Friday, a federal appeals court in New Orleans ruled that the case brought by three doctors against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over its anti-ivermectin messaging can continue.

FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse, denounce, or advise. The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to. As such, the Doctors can use the APA to assert their ultra vires claims against the Agencies and the Officials.

The lawsuit was initially filed in June 2022 by Dr. Bowden, Drs. Robert L. Apter, and Paul E. Marik for interfering with both their authority to prescribe an approved medication and the doctor-patient relationship. All three alleged their reputations were harmed by the FDA campaign.

KJP: Karine Jean-Pierre never seems to refer to Joe Biden by his name. She always says, “This president.” And then she says stuff … with a straight face … like how he works so hard, etc. It has me wondering if “this president” isn’t Slow Joe, but whoever it is who is actually running the White House while Joe wanders around mumbling, taking naps, and going on endless vacations

MANDATES: CLICK [6:35] to hear JP get you up to speed on how to deal with the next round of mandates.

MASKS: A new, highly sophisticated medical research review concludes, “There is just no evidence that they make any difference. Full stop.” The study, entitled “Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses (Review)” looked at 78 international studies about mask use in multiple clinical, public- and private-life settings. Even the tighter N95/P2 respirators make little or no difference in the overall rates of infections in a community.

I’m going out on a limb here and suggest that, if you have an active respiratory infection and you must leave your home for some reason, you’re probably doing the world a favor to cover your own mouth and nose with a mask. Ditto if you have an immune deficiency issue; I have been wearing 3M dust/mist/carbon masks in public since the mid-80s to limit my exposure to chemicals and germs. They’re not perfect, but they definitely do help.

NEW ZEALAND: In the face of public backlash, politicians are trying to rewrite history. Too bad for them that we have the internet. New Zealand’s Prime Minister Chris Hipkins claims, “There was no compulsory vaccination. People made their own choices.” BUT, is it really a choice if the consequence of choosing no is to lose your job?

The government of New Zealand mandated the ‘rona jab for all employees working in education, health care, or businesses where proof of vaccination was required for customers. Said employees had four whole weeks to get their shots and produce proof before being fired. Some employers were permitted to exempt employees from the mandate, meaning employees had no choice.

OREGON: Oregon’s new sex-ed guidelines are pretty insane. Kindergartners are encouraged to question their gender; first graders are expected to recognize and understand the uses for menstrual pads and tampons.

RASMUSSEN: When likely U.S. voters were asked, “Which is more important for America’s national security – getting the migrant crisis at the U.S. border under control, or supporting Ukraine in its war against Russia?”, 60% chose the border vs. 30% chose Ukraine vs. 10% chose Not Sure.

RFK Jr: After a lifetime of proclaiming himself a devout Catholic, Kennedy says he supports legal abortion, but only for the first three months. Not good enough, pal. Not nearly good enough.

TRUMP: I’m MAGA disappointed in Tucker Carlson for saying that Trump is too old to be president.

WAKING UP: CLICK [2:23] to hear an awesome video by a woman who has been awakened by the Trump indictments.


CLICK for a brief comedy clip.

CLICK for a terrible (and funny) pun.


Filed under Loose Pollen

2 responses to “Bits & Bytes

  1. Re that top “New World Order” pic: How long have we known masks were essentially useless against viri?

    Masks have not been proved efficient enough to warrant compulsory application for the checking of epidemics, according to Dr. Kellogg, who has conducted a painstaking investigation with gauzes. This investigation is scientific in character, omitting no one of the necessary factors. It ought to settle the much argued question of masks for the public.

    Study by W H Kellogg, G Macmillan, 1920!

    In 1919, Wilfred Kellogg’s study for the California State Board of Health concluded that mask ordinances “applied forcibly to entire communities” did not decrease cases and deaths, as confirmed by comparisons of cities with widely divergent policies on masking. Masks were used most frequently out in public, where they were least effective, whereas masks were removed when people went inside to work or socialize, where they were most likely to be infected. Kellogg found the evidence persuasive: “The case against the mask as a measure of compulsory application for the control of epidemics appears to be complete.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • chrissythehyphenated

      Remember how Fauci said this at first, then did a 180 and claimed he only said that because the medical community needed the masks?

      Liked by 1 person