Bits & Bytes

2024: On Wednesday, the latest Consumer Price Index report showed inflation had increased from 3.2% in July to 3.7% in August. On Thursday, Biden pointed out that zero House Republicans had supported the Inflation Reduction Act that he signed in one year ago today. I’m thinking this should be a Republican campaign talking point! LOL

CALIFORNICATION: In 2019, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes was banned at Pioneer High School in San Jose for holding traditional views on marriage. They took legal action with the help of the religious liberty group Becket and the Christian Legal Society and won. Daniel Blomberg, vice president and senior counsel at Becket, said the ruling will ensure “religious students are again treated fairly in San Jose and throughout California.

COVID-19: A study entitled “Severe SARS-CoV-2 infection as a marker of undiagnosed cancer: a population-based study” was recently published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Using France’s National Health Data System, researchers analyzed cancer incidence 41,302 patients who had been hospitalized due to severe COVID-19 infection between February 2020 and August 2021 and 713,670 individuals who were not hospitalized due to infection. The two groups were matched in terms of gender, age, and geographic location.

The COVID-19 group showed a higher incidence of cancer. For renal cancer and leukemia, the risk was more than three times as high. The study did not establish a causal relationship between cancer and severe COVID-19 infection, but researchers believe that a severe case of COVID-19 may be a warning sign of undiagnosed cancer.

EZER KENEGDO: CLICK to hear what God’s first words about women really mean. Mind bending!

EDUCATION: CLICK for yet another parent who scandalizes a school board by reading from a book that is available to kids at their school libraries.

FAUXTUS: On Sunday, Joe Biden’s favorite journalist, David Ignatius of the Washington Post wrote, “President Biden Should Not Run Again in 2024.” On Monday, Biden became the first president to not attend any of the 9/11 memorial services. On Tuesday, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced that they are opening a formal impeachment inquiry. On Wednesday, the latest Consumer Price Index report showed inflation increased from 3.2% in July to 3.7% in August. On Thursday, Special Counsel David Weiss announced that Hunter Biden is being charged with three felony gun counts. And, on Friday, the UAW threatened to strike if they don’t get a 46% pay raise, a shorter workweek, and other new benefits.

GEORGIA: On Thursday, Judge Scott McAfee of Fulton County Superior Court ruled that the trials of Trump’s former attorneys, Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, will begin in late October and that Trump’s trial will not begin until after those are done.

LOUISIANA: Under current Louisiana state law, Louisiana families are only allowed to move their children from “a failing school to a higher performing public school,” severely limiting school choice and parental preference. The teachers union loudly supports this in public. But in private, the union got its teachers the right to move their kids to whatever school they want, including to non-public schools.

PEOPLE PLEASING YOUR JUNK: CLICK to hear a brief message about “guilty clutter” that really made me go “hmm.

PRAISE GOD: CLICK to hear about a Tuesday night college worship service segued into a mass baptism of about 200 students! Woohoo!!

S&G: Jesse Scott Johnson (AKA “Jessica Lillian Johnson”) is part of the ABDL (Adult Baby and Diaper Lover) community, whose members obtain sexual pleasure from wearing diapers and being humiliated. He also works as a barista at a Starbucks in Ballwin, Missouri. Libs of TikTok notified The Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services to notify them of this video and inquire if it violates any health codes. Turns out it does, and now they’re investigating the violations of health and food codes.

SUGAR SHOCK: CLICK [:49] to hear about a “beverage” they’re selling at Dunkin Donuts that contains 167 grams of sugar. The daily recommended amount of sugar for adults is 40-60 grams.

TRANS: CLICK [:30] for a quick and simple demonstration of why we can’t let children choose their genders.

UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES: CLICK [2:32] to view Volume 8 – 2021: Rent control in St. Paul, Minnesota. 2000: Tax credits for Arizonans who add an alternative fuel tank to their cars. 1940: Georgia makes it so difficult to get on ballots that only Republicans and Democrats ever manage it.

VAXXX: A new study entitled “COVID-19 Infection Rates in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Inmates: A Retrospective Cohort Study” was recently published in the Cureus journal. Researchers analyzed data from 33 California state prisons, primarily a male population of 96,201 individuals. They found a statistically significant difference in the numbers of unvaxxxed prisoners vs. bivalent-boosted prisoners who caught the ‘rona during the first six months of this year. Specifically, 2.72% of the unjabbed got sick as compared to 3.24% of the boostered. The bivalent vaccines were authorized without clinical trial data and no efficacy data has been produced to this day.

VFAUXTUS: CLICK to hear Nancy Pelosi wiggle out of answering (twice) whether she thinks Kamala Harris is the best running mate for Joe Biden. First answer, “He [Biden] thinks so, and that’s what matters.” Second answer, “Why would she be vice president if she were not?” When pressed to actually answer the question, Pelosi says the VP doesn’t actually do that much anyway.

WOLVES: CLICK [2:23] to hear a “Christian” minister bastardize Genesis 6-9. If you aren’t ready to puke yet, follow it up with [2:09]. Happy pride!

GRAMMY NOTES: Update on the USPS stamp scam … Dearest took print outs of my emails and the fake stamps to our local postmistress. She couldn’t have cared less that the stamps might be counterfeit. “I’d take them. They look fine.” ::sigh:: So anyway, yesterday I had a really nice, very fun chat with one of our local cops. He was most intrigued by my tale, but had zero idea what he could either do or recommend I do. We did have a great time just getting to know each other, which was a bonus for me; I rarely have visitors. Plus, I gotta say … every time I have had any interaction with the Dryden PD, it has been so positive. We are really blessed! I’m thinking maybe I’ll try to find out if the USPS has a fraud department.


CLICK and prepare to grin.

CLICK to see what God sent to NYC on 9/11. Wow!!! H/t to Mindful Webworker.

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Filed under Loose Pollen

One response to “Bits & Bytes

  1. The Future of Theology is Artificial Intelligence. Here we have a sample of AI exegesis.

    Sometimes some things get lost in the translation.

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