Bits & Bytes

BIDENOMICS: When I was a kid, my father rarely did any grocery shopping. But one day he decided we should really stock up, so he and our mom took me and my little brother. We each took a cart, which he filled to overflowing. One of them had nothing in it but meat. When we got to the checkout line, my brother was so excited by the long, long, loooong tape streaming out of the register that he insisted we each guess the total. I hate guessing games, but he nagged, so I blurted, “Fine then! $187.50.” The reason I remember this in such detail is that the total turned out to be … $187.50.

DEMENTIA JOE: CLICK [:19] to hear, “When I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic, and the thing that happened was, Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit and help fix it!’

FAUXTUS: CLICK [:56] to hear what the head of the Democratic Party told the Black graduates at Morehouse College. It actually gets worse. CLICK for more clips.

HELL in a HANDBASKET: The graphic above is a real TIME magazine headline. It gets worse. CLICK for full details.

S&G: [1:01] – This scene is from a PG-rated Netflix kids’ series called Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous.

TRUMP: [11:15] – Fox News reports on the third day of defense’s cross-examination of Lying Liar Michael Cohen. CLICK for details about the theft he admitted to … under oath.

YALE: CLICK to see graduates, professors, and parents process to the Divinity School’s graduation ceremony carrying Palestinian flags. CLICK to hear Nick Freitas comment.


CLICK for a life hack I’m suuuure you’re all gonna need. 😉

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