Bits & Bytes

2024: Bring back mean tweets. Please!

FAUXTUS: CLICK to hear Dementia Joe tell us about signing “the packandelempackatlackact into law.

FBI: The Nazi Gestapo are alive and working for the Democrats. – Dan Bongino wrote, “This is absolutely a big deal. Don’t buy the bullshit otherwise. It was not a standard op. The MAL* raid was an unprecedented action with significant potential for confusion and blue on blue issues and conflict. It also involved competing equities between federal agencies (FBI & USSS*) with equal statutory claims to interrupt the other’s activities. Anyone telling you otherwise is either dumb, or playing dumb. I’ve done more deconfliction with Russians in a foreign op I did for the USSS than the FBI did in their search warrant at MAL. Only a dumbass would pitch the “it’s the standard paperwork” line. Go serve a search warrant at the White House in the cocaine case while filling out your “standard paperwork” and see how that works out for you. Wake up.”

  • MAL = Mar-a-Lago. USSS = U.S. Secret Service.

STRATEGIC PETROLEUM SUPPLY: It’s supposed to be for war time, but every time Biden needs to look good, he releases more to artificially decrease prices for a few days. The latest is 1 million barrels of gasoline to lower prices at the pump this summer. Thanks to Dementia Joe, the U.S. has a scant 17 days of oil and gas in the national pantry.

TRUMP: Both the prosecution and defense have rested. The judge scheduled closing arguments for next week.


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