Bits & Bytes

CATHOLIC: Right before holy week, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, canceled its nearly two decades relationship with the Franciscan friars of Holy Name College in nearby Silver Spring, Maryland. The PTBs instead entrusted the pastoral care of Catholic military personnel, veterans, and their beneficiaries to a secular for-profit company. Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, the head of the Archdiocese of the Military Services, called the move “incomprehensible.”

DALAI LAMA: CLICK [:44] to see a video shot in India in which the Dalai Lama kissed a young boy on the mouth, something the kid clearly didn’t like. Then he goes even further and tells the boy, “Suck my tongue.” And again, the boy leans backwards. Note how tightly the Dalai Lama was holding the boy’s arm and how he grabbed his face to force the kiss and tongue sucking. SICK.

GET WOKE, GO BROKE: In Texas, there is a bar that has long sponsored a weekly dart league on Thursdays, during which players suck down an average of three kegs of Bud Light (nearly 500 12-ounce glasses). This week, the bar sold only four bottles of Bud Light.

GERMANY: According to a recent survey, 88% of Germans believe that a successful energy transition is not realistic. Sadly, the government isn’t listening to them.

MUTILATING MINORS: The Cosmetic Concierge, a plastic surgery clinic in Charlotte, North Carolina, cheerfully removes the healthy breasts of girls who aren’t even old enough to drive a car.

TRANS: This study compared overall mortality for 1,951 British mtf trannies vs. 68,165 British men vs. 68,004 British women. The trannies were 1.34 times more likely to die than the men and 1.75 times more likely to die than the women.

VAXXX: This JAMA study compared VA patients hospitalized with COVID-19 or seasonal influenza and sorted them by those who had been jabbed and those who had not. The results were astonishing.

Of the COVID-19 patients, 64% had been vaccinated against the flu, which offers no protection for COVID-19, while 63% of the flu patients had been vaccinated against the flu. If the flu vaccine were effective, the second number should have been at or near zero.

Furthermore, 55% of the flu patients had been vaxxxed and boosted against COVID-19, which offers no protection against flu, while 55% of the COVID-19 patients had been vaxxxed and boosted against COVID-19. If the COVID-19 jab were effective, the second number should have been at or near zero.

ZINC: A randomized controlled trial has demonstrated that administering zinc (25 mg po) resulted in a 42% reduction in ICU admission or death.

GRAMMY NOTES: While Dearest was in Texas, my lovely cousin smuggled her icky, unvaxxxed body over Joe Biden’s border to spend the holy days with me. It was such a blessed time! She’s such a trooper! Despite being a lifelong Protestant, she sat through all three hours of my parish’s Easter Vigil service!


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