Bits & Bytes

ECLIPSE: Army Princess caught an amazing shot of the eclipse and Comet Pons-Brooks! The comet is nicknamed “devil comet” because of its asymmetrical appearance, which makes it look like it has horns.

END TIMES: [29:07] – Whoa.

LIFE: [2:55] – CLICK to hear “I march for my four siblings.


CLICK for his eclipse meme.

CLICK to hear Roseanne Barr reminisce.

WASHINGTON: Here in the U.S., Leftists call institutionalized envy “inclusiveness.” In Australia and New Zealand, criticizing those who have achieved more is called “cutting down the tall poppy.” In Japan, it’s “the nail that sticks up gets hammered down.” In The Netherlands, they say, “Don’t put your head above ground level.” In Chile, the expression is “pull the jacket.” In Scandinavia, this expression is known as the Law of Jante, which refers to a 1933 novel with rules like “You are not to think you are anything special.

GRAMMY NOTES: On Divine Mercy Sunday, the Mascots’ church had Adoration and Divine Mercy Chaplet, followed by a beautifully themed social hour with blue and red snacks. 🙂


CLICK for Henry Cho’s favorite Glen Campbell story.

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