We have 60 times the oil Obama claims

I do NOT like being lied to!

Chrissy’s Site Bites: http://news.webshots.com/photo/2296433870056011884iEmOKz

Click on graphic to embiggen.


Filed under Barack Obama, Energy

2 responses to “We have 60 times the oil Obama claims

  1. Thanks for this, Chrissy. I heard Barry say this last night and I knew it was a lie (or, if you prefer, that Barry is a total ignoramus). And in any case, the most important question is not what percentage of the world’s total is in the United States — it’s whether we have enough to meet our own energy needs without having to depend on imports. On that question, the people who actually know what they’re talking about say the answer is yes.


  2. juno

    This may be true ( I doubt it is however) but what it’s not telling you is that “technically recoverable” crude oil, and shale is unbelievably energy taxing to extract, so much so that it is not even worth it, its also horrible for the environment and the whole bottom section of that pyramid is an approximation, it is nothing but a possible projection.
